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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Smile you Fool!

I was thinking and praying last night about coming to God with a clean slate. With a fresh almost desperate need for Him. Finding time in the morning is quite hard for me, but it's become a craving of mine to read a bit of the bible before i get ready for school. This morning I happened on Psalm 143

this verse (9) especially jumped out at me:

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love.
For I have put my trust in you.
Show me the way I should go,
for to you I lift up my soul.

hearing that after last night asking God to open me up (again) to needing him was refreshing. The morning did bring me word of God's unfailing love.

I'm being bombarded with the fact that God is refreshing and faithful; a strange but wonderful combination. Life is supposed to be lived joyfully. I know its not always happy, but I'm coming to see that living joyfully is quite different alltogether. Living joyfully is about being able to fall back on the fact that God is a good God, no matter what. A big thought for little minds, and I like that.

On a different note, smiling at random people is something i try and do regularly. Today we went on a rather boring excursion and I began the smiling thing. I like to make other people smile, especially if they look like they're having a bit of a nothing day. It relieves the boredom and hopefully some of the unhappy and unappreciated feelings in people's days.
I'm pretty sure it freaks some people out, but hey, you win some you lose some.

Old people especially love to be smiled at, and I oblige. Makes the day all round much brighter.

On the bus on the way home I looked down at my hand and for some reason it had written on it in pen 'Smile you fool'

...thing is, I have no idea how that got there!

Oh dear. It must be bedtime soon.

smiling at people is one of the best things to do!
smiles make the world go around, seriously!
and i definatly agree about the old people loving to be smiled at, its so true!

i try and remember to smile every day to people.
smile at a stranger! :)

(ps, i laughed when i read you had that written on your hand, and didnt know how it got there. must have been too busy smiling :P)

for this you deserve a link on my blog ;)

highly enjoyable haigs, highly encouraging, highly intriguing.

perhaps I should come up the hall some time and actually talk to you.

thankyou for the link and the thought of venturing down the hall lovely bec.

and to sam, yes, smiles do make the world go round. I suppose it's just nice to pass on a little piece of my joy.

my hands are going numb! (how's that for a joyful thought)

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