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Saturday, July 15, 2006


I've been playing with collages. Helps to get the creative juices flowing without really worrying on the outcome or anything else. This is one of the ones I've done, I'll be putting some more of them up here, when I can be bothered.

I've been getting into thinking about why I bother with things that are, when you think about it practically, pretty useless. But that isn't the point. The point for me is that creativity is a lifestyle...it's something that everyone is born with and that everyone uses in different ways. The sad thing is that some people lose that. People allow themselves to become routine and sterile.

The ingrained need we have to create is beautiful, a reflection of our wild and creative God. It's rather freeing when you allow yourself to do something simply for the pleasure of being able to look at what you've done and see that it is good (sound familiar anyone?).

I love the way that kids create, without fear of getting things wrong, fully expecting to be appreciated. It's kind of cool that we're aksed to have faith like a child as well. And this coming from the aforementiond wild, creative God.

There's beauty in imagination and simple unpolluted love.

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