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Tuesday, July 04, 2006

a few pictures

I thought it was time I put up a couple of pictures from Centre Trip...

This is me with a honey ant...tasty and thankfully not sticky enough to fuel my honey phobia!

one of the many amazing dead trees...this one was at Kata Tjuta on the way to the Valley of the Winds. No, I didn't take the photo wonky, it was on a hill.

Ok, this is me holding a Kangaroo leg that we butchered off some fresh roadkill. My teacher is very into 'not being wasteful' hence the butchering and consequent eating of roadkill on more than one occasion.

One of the sketches I started and still haven't finished. Half of this one was drawn in the dark...hence the roughness. Oh yes, it's Uluru if you hadn't picked that up already.

Another very quick sketch, this time in charcoal. It was the view from some rocks at our first bush camp.

Here I am at Yuendumu holding Genie...she was about one and as you can see absolutely beautiful.

This sketch was yet another I did on the run. We hiked up Yuendumu Hill and this was all I managed to get down in the few minutes between chasing after the kids...good fun!

Kings Canyon was amazing. What else can I say?

Here's some of the kids and I at Yuendumu!

There's about a gazillion other photos, but they might have to make it on later. Enjoy!

haha that's the hat I took four years ago... was the brim wide enough for them ;)

very nice photos :P
How amazing are the kids?? Welcomed with open arms!
whats your skin name??

bec - the brim was plenty wide...seeing as we went in winter we didn't need it nearly as much as you guys would have.

ana - I'm a Nampijinpa! My personal favourite out of all the female skin names

ha....so am I :p

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